Sunday, February 3, 2008

Bula vinaka to Cavu family members in Fiji and abroad. I have received the meeting minutes from Laite Cavu for the first 2008 Cavu meeting and here they are:


Date: Saturday 12th January 2008
Venue: 8 Makita Street Suva
Time: 2:30pm

1.0 Present:
Paula Cavu - Turaga-ni-Mataqali
Mrs Jokapeci Koroi - President (Chairperson)
Ilaisa Cavu
Lusi Cavu
Litia Cavu
Ilaisa Cavu (Sigatoka)
Peniasi Cavu
Netani Cavu
Mike Cavu
Pio Vuntiuraga
Meli Cavu
Jackie Yavala
Theresa Koroi
Laite Cavu - Secretary

2.0 Welcome
2.1 The Chairperson welcomed all present to the meeting and apologised that the minutes of the first meeting held at Tamavua last year were not available.

3.0 Treasurer’s Report
3.1 Jackie Yavala took members through the Report that was presented at the Committee meeting at Pikeu Street on 05/01/08.

3.2 The current balance is $197 and subscriptions for 2008 were now due.

4.0 Constitution
4.1 Uncle Paula enquired abut the absence of a process for electing office bearers

4.2 Ilaisa suggested that there be a representative form each family in the office bearers.

4.3 Uncle Paula explained that when there was a mix of young and older people the younger members would feel obliged to agree with recommendations made by elders.

1.1 Ilaisa supported the suggestion that the process of election be included in the Constitution. All members agreed.

1.2 It was raised that traditionally the eldest in the family should head the family, following which concerns were expressed over Bubu Una’s health. The Chairperson explained that Paula had asked her to take on the role as he was the Turaga ni Mataqali, and she had accepted.

1.3 It was suggested that vasu in the family tree were to be included as part of the Cavu family. Netani supported the motion and Uncle Paula seconded. All members agreed.

2.0 Vasara
2.1 The Chairperson explained the maintenance required at Vasara and that a quick fundraising was required. A new water tank was needed to service the new flush toilets and bathrooms.

2.2 The concrete water tank was no longer there and although Uncle Lagi had built a new one, an additional tank was needed for the house.

2.3 Ilaisa suggested that quotations be sought so that a realistic amount could be set to fundraise towards. Families needed to budget their income and it would be easier if they knew how much contribution would be required.

2.4 Uncle Paula said that both suggestions could be done. A soli be done while awaiting quotations.

2.5 The Chairperson explained that Vasara was an example to all in Ono and because of her pride in it she had been using her own money to ensure its upkeep.

2.6 Ben said that a carpenter would need to take measurements etc for the quotation. The Chairperson replied that Netani knew what needed to be done and could do the work required.

2.7 Uncle Ilaisa said that if the goal for 2008 was to install a water tank then we must work towards it, give what we could, and work together. This was supported by Aunty Litia.

2.8 It was agreed that there be a minimum contribution of $100 per family.

3.0 Trip to Ono-i-Lau
3.1 Uncle Paula reported that Roko Tui vakacegu mai Serua had been making arrangements for the charter of a boat for a direct return trip to Ono.
· MV Suilven – 500 people at $230 per person return
· MV Westerland – 300 people at $200 per person return

3.2 These boats were clean and comfortable and it was calculated that $5 per week from now to November would add up to the full fare. He added that it would be good if the young family members went on the trip as the experience would help them develop an affinity for the place and enable them to decide their future commitment to it.

3.3 The Chairperson said that regular contributions towards the fare should begin now so that all fares could be paid by the end of the year. The fare for adults and children were the same and all names of those going should be submitted.

3.4 The Chairperson requested that quotations for the charter of a plane be sought also.

4.0 Education Assistance
4.1 The Chairperson reported that two members of the Cavu family had received assistance for courses at FIT. Netani undertook a four week course on fibreglass boat building and Lavenia undertook a computing course.

5.0 Executive Committee
5.1 The Chairperson apologised that the Committee had not run very well in 2007 due to the unavailability of members. She suggested that new office bearers be elected. The current members are:
President/Chairperson - Mrs Jokapeci Koroi
Vice-President - Metani Cavu
Treasurer - Jackie Yavala
Secretary - Laite Cavu
Vice-Secretary - Lupeti Fihaki
Members - Ben Cavu, Meli Cavu, Jone Cavu, Netani Cavu (Tamavua), Mike Cavu

5.2 The Chairperson suggested that as Laite had a very demanding job that she may wish to take a break and suggested Paula Cavu (luvei Netani) take over.

5.3 Uncle Ilaisa suggested that the current Committee continue and this was agreed to by members.

6.0 Other Matters
6.1 Uncle Ilaisa and Aunty Litia offered to pay for the water tank for Vasara and this was agreed to by members.

6.2 Uncle Paula asked that the family tree be updated particularly for the inclusion of names of the young children

6.3 The postal address for the family is PO Box 14950 Suva, which is Aunty Jackie’s postal box.

6.4 The Chairperson assured members that the Committee would perform better this year.

6.5 The next family meeting would be determined by the Executive Committee.

6.6 The meeting concluded with a prayer by Netani.

Laite Cavu

Jokapeci Koroi

1 February 2008
Action to be taken

1. Insertion of procedures for election of office bearers into the Constitution P. Cavu (Makita)
2. Quotations to be sought for the water tank Ilaisa Cavu (Nadro)
3. Contribution of $100 per family for fundraising: Coordinators P. Cavu, Jackie Koroi, Mike Cavu, Master Netani, Ilaisa Cavu (Nadro), Ilaisa Cavu (Ltka) , Interim Minister for Health, Social Welfare and Women, Waisea Wea, Lupeti Fihaki, Aunty Litia,
4. Submission of names for the trip to Ono: Coordinators above.
5. Quotations to be sought for chartering a plane to Ono: Interim Minister for Health, Social Welfare and Women.
6. Updating of the family tree: all Coordinators above

The next Cavu meeting is going to be held at Jokapeci Koroi's residence at Tamavua this Saturday 9th February 2008 at 3pm. All families attending are asked to bring a plate for afternoon tea.

1 comment:

Faye Cavu-Senico said...

Cavu's on the move....interesting indeed. And the Ono-i-Lau trip sounds awesome. Isa only wish we could make madaga, especially since I haven't been. Heard alot from Biu Tabuatamata and it sounds like heaven on earth....hahahaha....

Thanks again T for the rapid updates. Iko sa tops ga...heeehaaaa...