Monday, February 4, 2008

Update on Massage therapy for Aunty Emma

Ni sa bula again,
In January I mentioned that after the visit to see aunty Emma at Sigatoka, we would keep you updated about the massage therapy to be administered by aunty Finau (Pu Mate's niece) from Valelevu.

On Monday 28th January amidst the heavy rain and gale force winds, mum and I dropped aunty Finau off at the Coral Sun bus at the Holiday Inn (Suva) at 4pm. Betty was waiting for her when she got to the Warwick and by the time I rang to check that she'd arrived safely on Moday at around 7.30pm, she was massaging aunty Emma's hand. The therapy lasted four nights (as is the tradition) and offered some relief for the most part. However, aunty Finau is back here in Suva and will be going to see aunty Faye to explain the situation and to see whether or not anything more can be done from the conventional western medicine perspective.

End of update.

1 comment:

Faye Cavu-Senico said...

Thanks T for the update. We continue to keep Aunty Emma in our prayers.